
    Circle Calculator

    ✅What is Circle?

    A circle is a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges. In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed shape, two-dimensional shape,curved shape. A few things around us that are circular in shape are a car tire, a wall clock that tells time, and a lollipop.

    Here are some important formulas related to Circle:

    Perimeter of a Circle:

    👉Formula: P = 2 * pi * r

    Where pi is a constant value and r is the radius of circle.

    👉Example: If the sphere has a radius is 3, then the perimeter would be P = 2 * pi * r = 28.27 cm.

    Area of a Circle:

    👉Formula: A = pi * (r * r)

    Where pi is a constant value and r is the radius of circle.

    👉Example: If the sphere has a radius is 3, then the perimeter would be A = pi * (r * r) = 18.85 cm.

    These formulas can be used to find the area and perimeter of any circle.